Bundles.app Integration: Accurate Inventory Adjustments for Shopify Product Bundles

Reconcile.ly Now Integrates With Bundles.app, Simplifying Shopify Inventory Tracking

Bundles.app is a Shopify app that allows you to easily track all of the inventory movements of your Product Bundles, which are bundles of products created from your Shopify store with a single SKU and price.

The Bundles.app Shopify app includes features such as sync with Xero, group sale management and bulk bundle imports.

After integrating Reconcile.ly with Bundles.app, Shopify merchants can automatically reconcile their inventory movements by adding or removing items in the app's inventory window and the reconciled line items will be updated in Xero on-the-fly

What is Reconcile.ly?

Reconcile.ly is a Shopify app that helps you cut down the time it takes to reconcile your Ecommerce transactions by staying in real-time sync with your accounting system and importing all orders and payouts to it for you so you reconcile your books in seconds.

What is Bundles.app?

Bundles.app is a Shopify app that simplifies the process of creating product bundles comprised of multiples SKUs. It offers the fastest and easiest way to keep your inventory up to date when selling bundles or sets on Shopify. The app is trusted by over 11,000 shops since it launched in 2016.

Accurately Reporting Product Bundles Sales on Xero is a Pain

Bundled products are a fabulous way to move inventory, promote products and increase your average spend per customer. But when it comes to Ecommerce accounting, not every app is equipped to accurately reflect the inventory changes made possible by product bundles on Shopify.

Creating a new bundle creates an entirely new SKU which itself is comprised of many SKUs. The trouble occurs when sales for product bundles are inaccurately reported on accounting systems like Xero.

For example, you may find that the stock levels of a product bundle's SKU are being adjusted as you generate more sales, but that may not be the case for the actual products being sold.

Before Reconcilely Bundles.app Integration
The bundle is picked up by Xero as it tries to adjust its inventory. Bundle items are missing.

A product bundle is intangible—it is the products within it which need to be accounted for, not the bundle.

Bundles.app makes it easy to create product bundles on Shopify and Reconcilely is focused on accurate and reliable Shopify accounting.

Thanks to the new integration between the two apps, product bundles you create with Bundles.app will accurately be reflected on Xero, provided Reconcilely is your accounting app.

So now the same bundle as above would be properly reported:

Bundle items are now present and their inventory is properly reported.

How does the integration work?

Reconcile.ly customers will discover a new item in the Order Settings page titled 'Integrations'.

Reconcilely Bundles.app Integration Setting
Reconcilely Bundles.app Integration Setting

By turning on the Bundles.app integration, Reconcilely will request any available bundles from the Bundles.app for your store URL, and take into account the SKUs contained within those bundles when making adjustments on Xero or Quickbooks.

Bundles.app customers will discover a new integration in the Settings section. The section for Reconcilely allows you to give Reconcilely access to your bundles, so they may be taken into account when inventory adjustments are made on Xero or Quickbooks.

Bundles.app Reconcilely Integration Setting
Bundles.app Reconcilely Integration Setting

Once the integration is enabled on both sides, inventory adjustments from any bundles you have or create moving forward will automatically and correctly be reported on your behalf.


Automating your ecommerce accounting as much as possible further contributes to a culture of focusing on what you do best, which is selling.

In a similar spirit, the Bundles.app integration further enables you to sell product bundles on Shopify without worry as it relates to inventory movements implied by those sales.

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